A resource-based or natural-resource-based economy is that of a country whose gross national product or gross domestic product to a large extent comes from natural resources.[1]


The economies of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar are highly dependent on exporting oil and gas.

Suriname's exports of bauxite account for more than 15% of GDP and 70% of export earnings.[2]

Of Russian exports, more than 80% are oil, natural gas, metals and timber.[3] Since Russia has a resource-based economy, it depends most of all on the fluctuations of oil and gas demand and prices.[4]

Norway's export of oil and gas forms 45% of total exports and more than 20% of the GDP.[5]

See also


  1. ^ Twaddell, Hannah (2007). Best practices to enhance the transportation-land use connection in the rural United States. ISBN 9780309098946. Retrieved 2012-03-13. p.26
  2. ^ CIA - World Factbook Suriname
  3. ^ Ellman, Michael (2006). Russia's oil and natural gas: bonanza or curse?. ISBN 9781843317555. Retrieved 2012-03-13. p.191
  4. ^ Nesvetailova, Anastasia. "Why farmers in Belarus will profit under Putin's sanctions". The Conversation. Retrieved 10 September 2014.
  5. ^ OECD Environmental Performance Reviews OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Norway 2011. 2011. ISBN 9789264098459. Retrieved 2012-03-13. p.60
