Lyn Squire is an American economist who was born in South Wales. He held several positions within the World Bank's hierarchy over a 25-year career. While there, he co-authored, with Herman G. Van Der Tak, the 1975 work Economic analysis of projects. He was one of the lead authors of the World Development Report 1990: Poverty where the international $1 a day poverty line was proposed.[1][2]

Academic Service

Selected publications


  1. ^ "History". Retrieved 2024-04-03.
  2. ^ "Lyn Squire | International Growth Centre". Retrieved 2024-04-03.
  3. ^ For reviews and analysis of the work see: Jenkins, G. P. (1997). Project Analysis and the World Bank. American Economic Review, 87(2), 38–42.; Ordish, G. (1976). Economic Analysis of Projects. Outlook on Agriculture, 9(1), 36-36 and Ward WA. (2019) Cost-Benefit Analysis Theory versus Practice at the World Bank 1960 to 2015. Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis;10(1):124-144. Also Robert Brent has written a whole book (Brent, R. J. (1990 and 1998 2nd edition). Cost-benefit analysis for developing countries. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.) outlining, evaluating and expanding the Squire and Van de Tak approach to project appraisal.