(32 code points)
Major alphabetsLycian
Assigned29 code points
Unused3 reserved code points
Unicode version history
5.1 (2008)29 (+29)
Unicode documentation
Code chart ∣ Web page
Note: [1][2]

Lycian is a Unicode block containing characters for writing the ancient Lycian language in Anatolia.

Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF)
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
U+1028x 𐊀 𐊁 𐊂 𐊃 𐊄 𐊅 𐊆 𐊇 𐊈 𐊉 𐊊 𐊋 𐊌 𐊍 𐊎 𐊏
U+1029x 𐊐 𐊑 𐊒 𐊓 𐊔 𐊕 𐊖 𐊗 𐊘 𐊙 𐊚 𐊛 𐊜
  1. ^ As of Unicode version 15.1
  2. ^ Grey areas indicate non-assigned code points


The following Unicode-related documents record the purpose and process of defining specific characters in the Lycian block:

Version Final code points[a] Count L2 ID WG2 ID Document
5.1 U+10280..1029C 29 L2/00-128 Bunz, Carl-Martin (2000-03-01), Scripts from the Past in Future Versions of Unicode
L2/00-153 Bunz, Carl-Martin (2000-04-26), Further comments on historic scripts
L2/05-101 N2939 Everson, Michael (2005-04-27), Proposal for encoding the Lycian script in the UCS
L2/05-241 Everson, Michael (2005-08-31), Old Anatolian scripts
L2/05-380 N3109R Everson, Michael (2006-01-12), Proposal to encode the Lycian and Lydian scripts
L2/06-050 N3019R2 Everson, Michael (2006-02-05), Proposal to encode the Lycian and Lydian scripts in the SMP of the UCS
L2/06-008R2 Moore, Lisa (2006-02-13), "C.1", UTC #106 Minutes
N2953 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2006-02-16), "7.4.2", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 47, Sophia Antipolis, France; 2005-09-12/15
N3103 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2006-08-25), "M48.6", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 48, Mountain View, CA, USA; 2006-04-24/27
  1. ^ Proposed code points and characters names may differ from final code points and names


  1. ^ "Unicode character database". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2023-07-26.
  2. ^ "Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2023-07-26.