This is a list of people executed in the United States in 2004. Fifty-nine people were executed in the United States in 2004. Twenty-three of them were in the state of Texas. One (James Neil Tucker) was executed via electrocution.[1][2]

List of people executed in the United States in 2004

No. Date of execution Name Age of person Gender Ethnicity State Method Ref.
At execution At offense Age difference
1 January 6, 2004 Ynobe Katron Matthews 27 24 3 Male Black Texas Lethal injection [3]
2 Charles Laverne Singleton 44 20 24 Arkansas [4]
3 January 9, 2004 Raymond Dayle Rowsey 32 12 White North Carolina [5]
4 January 13, 2004 Tyrone Peter Darks 39 29 10 Black Oklahoma [6]
5 January 14, 2004 Lewis Williams Jr. 45 24 21 Ohio [7]
6 Kenneth Eugene Bruce 32 19 13 Texas [8]
7 January 21, 2004 Kevin Lee Zimmerman 42 26 16 White [9]
8 January 28, 2004 Billy Frank Vickers 58 47 11 [10]
9 February 3, 2004 John Glenn Roe 41 22 19 Ohio [11]
10 February 4, 2004 Johnny Leartice Robinson 51 33 18 Black Florida [12]
11 February 11, 2004 Edward Lewis Lagrone 46 34 12 Texas [13]
12 February 12, 2004 Bobby Ray Hopkins 36 26 10 [14]
13 February 17, 2004 Norman Richard Cleary 38 25 13 White Oklahoma [15]
14 Cameron Todd Willingham 36 23 Texas [16]
15 March 3, 2004 Marcus Bridger Cotton 29 21 8 Black [17]
16 March 9, 2004 David Jay Brown 49 33 16 White Oklahoma [18]
17 March 18, 2004 Brian Lee Cherrix 30 20 10 Virginia [19]
18 March 19, 2004 David Clayton Hill 39 29 South Carolina [20]
19 March 23, 2004 Hung Thanh Le 37 25 12 Asian Oklahoma [21]
20 March 26, 2004 Lawrence Colwell Jr. 35 10 White Nevada [22]
21 March 30, 2004 William Dean Wickline Jr. 52 30 22 Ohio [23]
22 March 31, 2004 Dennis Mitchell Orbe 39 33 6 Virginia [24]
23 April 16, 2004 Jerry Bridwell McWee 51 38 13 South Carolina [25]
24 April 23, 2004 Jason Scott Byram 38 27 11 [26]
25 May 18, 2004 Kelsey Patterson 50 38 12 Black Texas [27]
26 May 26, 2004 John Richard Blackwelder 49 45 4 White Florida [28]
27 May 28, 2004 James Neil Tucker 47 35 12 South Carolina Electrocution [29]
28 June 8, 2004 William Gerald Zuern Jr. 45 25 20 Ohio Lethal injection [30]
29 Robert Leroy Bryan 63 52 11 Oklahoma [31]
30 June 17, 2004 Steven Howard Oken 42 25 17 Maryland [32]
31 June 30, 2004 David Ray Harris 43 24 19 Texas [33]
32 July 1, 2004 Robert Karl Hicks 47 28 Georgia [34]
33 July 14, 2004 Stephen Allen Vrabel 32 15 Ohio [35]
34 July 19, 2004 Eddie Albert Crawford 57 36 21 Georgia [36]
35 July 20, 2004 Scott Andrew Mink 40 4 Ohio [37]
36 July 22, 2004 Mark Wesley Bailey 34 28 6 Virginia [38]
37 August 5, 2004 James Barney Hubbard 74 46 28 Alabama [39]
38 August 12, 2004 Terry Jess Dennis 57 52 5 Nevada [40]
39 August 18, 2004 James Bryant Hudson 56 54 2 Virginia [41]
40 August 25, 2004 Jasen Shane Busby 28 19 9 Texas [42]
41 August 26, 2004 Windel Ray Workman 46 29 17 Oklahoma [43]
42 James Vernon Allridge III 41 22 19 Black Texas [44]
43 September 9, 2004 James Edward Reid 58 51 7 Virginia [45]
44 September 21, 2004 Andrew Perez Flores 32 20 12 Hispanic Texas [46]
45 September 30, 2004 David Kevin Hocker 33 26 7 White Alabama [47]
46 October 5, 2004 Edward Green III 30 18 12 Black Texas [48]
47 October 6, 2004 Peter J. Miniel 42 23 19 Hispanic [49]
48 October 8, 2004 Sammy Crystal Perkins 51 38 13 Black North Carolina [50]
49 October 12, 2004 Donald Loren Aldrich 39 29 10 White Texas [51]
50 October 13, 2004 Adremy Dennis 28 18 Black Ohio [52]
51 October 20, 2004 Ricky Eugene Morrow 53 30 23 White Texas [53]
52 October 22, 2004 Charles Wesley Roache 30 25 5 North Carolina [54]
53 October 26, 2004 Dominique Jerome Green 18 12 Black Texas [55]
54 November 2, 2004 Lorenzo Morris 52 37 15 [56]
55 November 4, 2004 Robert Brice Morrow 47 38 9 White [57]
56 November 9, 2004 Demarco Markeith McCullum 30 19 11 Black [58]
57 November 10, 2004 Frederick Patrick McWilliams 22 8 [59]
58 November 12, 2004 Frank Ray Chandler 32 20 12 White North Carolina [60]
59 November 17, 2004 Anthony Guy Fuentes 30 19 11 Hispanic Texas [61]
Average: 42 years 29 years 13 years


Male 59 100%
Female 0 0%
White 36 61%
Black 19 32%
Hispanic 3 5%
Asian 1 2%
Texas 23 39%
Ohio 7 12%
Oklahoma 6 10%
Virginia 5 8%
North Carolina 4 7%
South Carolina 4 7%
Alabama 2 3%
Florida 2 3%
Georgia 2 3%
Nevada 2 3%
Arkansas 1 2%
Maryland 1 2%
Lethal injection 58 98%
Electrocution 1 2%
January 8 14%
February 6 10%
March 8 14%
April 2 3%
May 3 5%
June 4 7%
July 5 8%
August 6 10%
September 3 5%
October 8 14%
November 6 10%
December 0 0%
20–29 4 7%
30–39 23 39%
40–49 18 31%
50–59 12 20%
60–69 1 2%
70–79 1 2%
Total 59 100%

Executions in recent years

Number of executions
2005 60
2004 59
2003 65
Total 184

See also



  1. ^ "Execution List 2004". Death Penalty Information Center. Retrieved May 14, 2022.
  2. ^ "U.S. Executions Since 1976". The Clark County Prosecuting Attorney. Retrieved May 14, 2022.
  3. ^ "Ynobe Katron Matthews Executed January 6, 2004 06:18 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  4. ^ "Charles Laverne Singleton Executed January 6, 2004 08:06 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Arkansas".
  5. ^ "Raymond Dayle Rowsey Executed January 9, 2004 02:23 a.m. by Lethal Injection in North Carolina".
  6. ^ "Tyrone Peter Darks Executed January 13, 2004 06:08 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Oklahoma".
  7. ^ "Lewis Williams, Jr. Executed January 14, 2004 10:15 a.m. by Lethal Injection in Ohio".
  8. ^ "Kenneth Eugene Bruce Executed January 14, 2004 06:29 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  9. ^ "Kevin Lee Zimmerman Executed January 21, 2004 06:19 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  10. ^ "Billy Frank Vickers Executed January 28, 2004 06:21 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  11. ^ "John Glenn Roe Executed February 3, 2004 10:24 a.m. by Lethal Injection in Ohio".
  12. ^ "Johnny Leartice Robinson Executed February 4, 2004 07:34 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Florida".
  13. ^ "Edward Lewis Lagrone Executed February 11, 2004 06:18 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  14. ^ "Bobby Ray Hopkins Executed February 12, 2004 08:19 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  15. ^ "Norman Richard Cleary Executed February 17, 2004 06:20 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Oklahoma".
  16. ^ "Cameron Todd Willingham Executed February 17, 2004 06:20 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  17. ^ "Marcus Bridger Cotton Executed March 3, 2004 06:13 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  18. ^ "David Jay Brown Executed March 9, 2004 06:07 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Oklahoma".
  19. ^ "Brian Lee Cherrix Executed March 18, 2004 09:10 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Virginia".
  20. ^ "David Clayton Hill Executed March 19, 2004 06:17 p.m. by Lethal Injection in South Carolina".
  21. ^ "Hung Thanh Le Executed March 23, 2004 06:04 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Oklahoma".
  22. ^ "Lawrence Colwell, Jr. Executed March 26, 2004 09:08 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Nevada".
  23. ^ "William Dean Wickline Executed March 30, 2004 10:11 a.m. by Lethal Injection in Ohio".
  24. ^ "Dennis Mitchell Orbe Executed March 31, 2004 09:13 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Virginia".
  25. ^ "Jerry Bridwell McWee Executed April 16, 2004 06:18 p.m. by Lethal Injection in South Carolina".
  26. ^ "Jason Scott Byram Executed April 23, 2004 06:15 p.m. by Lethal Injection in South Carolina".
  27. ^ "Kelsey Patterson Executed May 18, 2004 06:20 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  28. ^ "John Richard Blackwelder Executed May 26, 2004 06:13 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Florida".
  29. ^ "James Neil Tucker Executed May 28, 2004 06:11 p.m. by Electric Chair in South Carolina".
  30. ^ "William G. Zuern, Jr. Executed June 8, 2004 10:04 a.m. by Lethal Injection in Ohio".
  31. ^ "Robert Leroy Bryan Executed June 8, 2004 07:24 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Oklahoma".
  32. ^ "Steven Howard Oken Executed June 17, 2004 09:18 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Maryland".
  33. ^ "David Ray Harris Executed June 30, 2004 06:48 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  34. ^ "Robert Karl Hicks Executed July 1, 2004 05:00 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Georgia".
  35. ^ "Stephen Allen Vrabel Executed July 14, 2004 10:14 a.m. by Lethal Injection in Ohio".
  36. ^ "Eddie Albert Crawford Executed July 19, 2004 07:49 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Georgia".
  37. ^ "Scott Andrew Mink Executed July 20, 2004 10:27 a.m. by Lethal Injection in Ohio".
  38. ^ "Mark Wesley Bailey Executed July 22, 2004 09:07 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Virginia".
  39. ^ "James Barney Hubbard Executed August 5, 2004 06:36 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Alabama".
  40. ^ "Terry Jess Dennis Executed August 12, 2004 09:08 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Nevada".
  41. ^ "James Bryant Hudson Executed August 18, 2004 09:07 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Virginia".
  42. ^ "Jasen Shane Busby Executed August 25, 2004 06:20 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  43. ^ "Windel Ray Workman Executed August 26, 2004 06:08 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Oklahoma".
  44. ^ "James Vernon Allridge III Executed August 26, 2004 06:22 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  45. ^ "James Edward Reid Executed September 9, 2004 09:12 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Virginia".
  46. ^ "Andrew Perez Flores Executed September 21, 2004 06:20 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  47. ^ "David Kevin Hocker Executed September 30, 2004 06:24 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Alabama".
  48. ^ "Edward Green III Executed October 5, 2004 08:21 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  49. ^ "Peter J. Miniel Executed October 6, 2004 06:22 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  50. ^ "Sammy Crystal Perkins Executed October 8, 2004 02:14 a.m. by Lethal Injection in North Carolina".
  51. ^ "Donald Loren Aldrich Executed October 12, 2004 06:18 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  52. ^ "Adremy Dennis Executed October 13, 2004 10:10 a.m. by Lethal Injection in Ohio".
  53. ^ "Ricky Eugene Morrow Executed October 20, 2004 06:32 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  54. ^ "Charles Wesley Roache Executed October 22, 2004 02:18 a.m. by Lethal Injection in North Carolina".
  55. ^ "Dominique Jerome Green Executed October 26, 2004 07:59 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  56. ^ "Lorenzo Morris Executed November 2, 2004 06:13 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  57. ^ "Robert Brice Morrow Executed November 4, 2004 06:35 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  58. ^ "Demarco Markeith McCullum Executed November 9, 2004 06:17 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  59. ^ "Frederick Patrick McWilliams Executed November 10, 2004 06:18 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  60. ^ "Frank Ray Chandler Executed November 12, 2004 02:13 a.m. by Lethal Injection in North Carolina".
  61. ^ "Anthony Guy Fuentes Executed November 17, 2004 06:17 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Texas".
Preceded by
   List of people executed   
   in the United States in   
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