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A timeline of illustrated botanical works to 1900.


Chelidonium majus from copy of 6th-century Pseudo-Apuleius
6th-century Greek copy of
De Materia Medica
13th-century Arabic copy of
De Materia Medica
Das Buch der Natur 1475
Tree of Life
Hortus Sanitatis 1491
Helleborus niger
Herbarium Vivae Eicones 1530
Plate 79
Hortus Eystettensis 1613
Hortus Malabaricus 1678
Nerium oleander
Plate 73
Phytanthoza iconographia 1737
Red currant (Ribes rubrum), engraving after a painting by Henriette Vincent, 1820.
Papaver somniferum var paeoniflorum
Iwasaki Tsunemasa
Illustrated Manual of Medicinal Plants 1828
Papaver bracteatum
John Lindley
Collectanea botanica 1821
Rhododendron argenteum
Walter Hood Fitch
Rhododendrons of Sikkim Himalaya 1849
Phalaenopsis schilleriana
Walter Hood Fitch
Select Orchidaceous Plants 1862
Cypripedium lathamianum
Jean Jules Linden
Iconographie des Orchidées 1885
Diploglottis cunninghamii
Auguste Faguet
Dictionnaire de botanique 1886
Muscat Hamburgh
Handbuch der Tafeltraubenkultur 1895

1–100 CE



















See also



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