In mathematics, a cardinal number is called huge if there exists an elementary embedding from into a transitive inner model with critical point and

Here, is the class of all sequences of length whose elements are in .

Huge cardinals were introduced by Kenneth Kunen (1978).



In what follows, refers to the -th iterate of the elementary embedding , that is, composed with itself times, for a finite ordinal . Also, is the class of all sequences of length less than whose elements are in . Notice that for the "super" versions, should be less than , not .

κ is almost n-huge if and only if there is with critical point and

κ is super almost n-huge if and only if for every ordinal γ there is with critical point , , and

κ is n-huge if and only if there is with critical point and

κ is super n-huge if and only if for every ordinal there is with critical point , , and

Notice that 0-huge is the same as measurable cardinal; and 1-huge is the same as huge. A cardinal satisfying one of the rank into rank axioms is -huge for all finite .

The existence of an almost huge cardinal implies that Vopěnka's principle is consistent; more precisely any almost huge cardinal is also a Vopěnka cardinal.

Kanamori, Reinhardt, and Solovay defined seven large cardinal properties between extendibility and hugeness in strength, named through , and a property .[1] The additional property is equivalent to " is huge", and is equivalent to " is -supercompact for all ". Corazza introduced the property , lying strictly between and .[2]

Consistency strength


The cardinals are arranged in order of increasing consistency strength as follows:

The consistency of a huge cardinal implies the consistency of a supercompact cardinal, nevertheless, the least huge cardinal is smaller than the least supercompact cardinal (assuming both exist).

ω-huge cardinals

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One can try defining an -huge cardinal as one such that an elementary embedding from into a transitive inner model with critical point and , where is the supremum of for positive integers . However Kunen's inconsistency theorem shows that such cardinals are inconsistent in ZFC, though it is still open whether they are consistent in ZF. Instead an -huge cardinal is defined as the critical point of an elementary embedding from some rank to itself. This is closely related to the rank-into-rank axiom I1.

See also



  1. ^ A. Kanamori, W. N. Reinhardt, R. Solovay, "Strong Axioms of Infinity and Elementary Embeddings", pp.110--111. Annals of Mathematical Logic vol. 13 (1978).
  2. ^ P. Corazza, "A new large cardinal and Laver sequences for extendibles", Fundamenta Mathematicae vol. 152 (1997).