Bug with Quarter Tone Chord Playback[edit]

Microtonal chords don't seem to play back correctly. For instance, here is an excerpt formerly from the Quarter tone page:

\relative c' {
\omit Staff.TimeSignature
\set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
<c dih f gih bes>1 \bar "|" <c f gih bes dih>1 \bar "|."

Note that the chords are, for whatever reason, being rendered in 12 equal with no quarter tones at all. The rendered notes are C D F Ab Bb, C# F# A B D#. This indicates some kind of bug in the rendering software when rendering microtonal chords.

This does render correctly if we play them one note at a time:

\relative c' {
\cadenzaOn \omit Staff.TimeSignature
\tempo 1 = 90 \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
c dih f gih bes \bar "|" c, f gih bes dih \bar "|."

although you can still hear pitch bends shifting in the release tail, which makes me think that the source of the problem is that the different MIDI notes are all being played on MIDI channel #1, and thus there are multiple conflicting pitch bend messages (typically microtonal chords have each note played on different channels for this reason, so that one can tune the different notes individually). :::: — Preceding unsigned comment added by 2601:42:702:9F90:50CB:C35E:58B:CC6D (talk) 20:01, 30 October 2022 (UTC)[reply]

This limitation (microtonal chords) is noted in the current (2.22) LilyPond documentation, "Unsupported notation for MIDI". — Jon (talk) 23:47, 28 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Time signature[edit]

How do I actually get the time signature to properly appear when it’d otherwise wouldn’t? 2601:C6:D281:6710:C8A8:BCDF:36EE:6A13 (talk) 23:32, 25 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Why wouldn't it? It always appears unless it's suppressed: <score> c' </score> gives
-- Michael Bednarek (talk) 02:17, 26 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]
But look at the Wikipedia page for the diminished triad (Diminished triad), the syntax gives:

\override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
\relative c' {
   \clef treble 
   \time 4/4
   \key c \major
   <b d f>1
} }
2601:C6:D281:6710:914B:28A0:A21E:46A3 (talk) 14:27, 31 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]
The time signature in that snippet doesn't appear because it's deliberately suppressed by \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f. -- Michael Bednarek (talk) 02:12, 1 September 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Recreate Russian anthem[edit]

I recreated the Russian National anthem using the score feature:

 \relative c' {
   \key es \major
   \time 4/4
   \tempo 4=75
   es2. r8 bes es4 bes8. c16 d4 g,8 g c4 bes8. aes16 bes4 es,8 es f4 f8. g16 aes4 aes8. bes16 c4 d8 es8 f4. bes,8 g'4 f8. es16 f4 d8 bes8 es4 d8. c16 d4 g,8 g c4 bes8. aes16 bes4 es,8 es es'4 d8. c16 bes2 g' f8 es d es f4. bes,8 bes2 es2 d8 c bes c d4. g,8 g2 es'4 c8. d16 es4 c8. d16 es4 c8 es aes2 aes g8 f es f g4. es8 es2 f es8 d c d es4. c8 c2 es4 d8. c16 bes4 es,8 es es'4 d8. c16 bes4. bes8 es4 bes8. c16 d4 g,8 g c4 bes8. aes16 bes4 es,8 es f4 f8. g16 aes4 aes8. bes16 c4 d8 es8 f4. bes,8 g'4 f8. es16 f4 d8 bes8 es4 d8. c16 d4 g,8 g c4 bes8. aes16 bes4 es,8 es es'4 d8. c16 bes2 g' f8 es d es f4. bes,8 bes2 es2 d8 c bes c d4. g,8 g2 es'4 c8. d16 es4 c8. d16 es4 c8 es aes2 aes g8 f es f g4. es8 es2 f es8 d c d es4. c8 c2 es4 d8. c16 bes4 es,8 es bes'2 c4 d es1

2601:C6:D281:6710:914B:28A0:A21E:46A3 (talk) 14:43, 31 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]

indented first line and line break[edit]

In the following score, the line break on the first line is one beat too early and I can't see why. I was expecting to get something like this result.

Also the first line is indented; I would prefer it not to be.

X: 1
% T: Weela Weela Wayla
% O: Ireland
% %%text A schoolyard song
% S: The Dubliners
D: A Drop Of The Hard Stuff, 1967
F: https://open.spotify.com/track/04houaP7c4zaCn8vPi3yyW
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
Q: 1/4=70
K: G
"G" dd  | d/d/B Bd/d/ dB/B/ B> A |GB de e2d>d |
w: And there was an old woman and she lived in the woods A wei-la wei-la wai-la There
 "D" d/d/A Ad/d/ dA/A/ A2 | dd/e/ dB  A2 "G"G2  | [M:3/4] z4 d2|
w:  was an old woman and she lived in the woods Down by the Ri-ver Sai-le She
[M:4/4]dB B2 dB B> A |GB de e2d>d |
w:had a baby three months old A wei-la wei-la wai-la, She
"D"dA A2 dA A2 | dd/e/ dB  A2 "G"G2  | [M:3/4] z4 d2|
w:had a baby three months old Down by the Ri-ver Sai-le She…

Could anyone help with these issues? GoPlayerJuggler (talk) 17:06, 18 October 2023 (UTC)[reply]

LilyPond player vs .ogg files[edit]

A bug has been raised at phab:T363630 where playback of LilyPond scores fails (badly) if another sound file, usually .ogg, is on the same page. I'm not going to demonstrate the behaviour here, but it can be seen at Ragtime progression or Help talk:Score/Archive 1. -- Michael Bednarek (talk) 01:19, 28 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]