First Battle of Topolobampo
Part of the Mexican Revolution
DateMarch 4, 1914
Result Indecisive
Mexico Constitutionalists  Mexico
Commanders and leaders
Lieutenant Malpica Captain Navio Torres
1 gunboat 2 gunboats
Casualties and losses
none none

The First Battle of Topolobampo was a bloodless naval engagement and one of the few naval battles of the Mexican Revolution. The small battle occurred off Topolobampo, Mexico and was fought between three gunboats, two from the Mexican Navy and another which mutinied from the armada and joided the rebel Constitutionalists. The action happened in the morning of March 4, 1914. This was the first action of the naval campaign in the Gulf of California.


On Sunday February 22, 1914, off Guaymas, Mexico a [[mutiny began at about 8:00pm, the Mexican Navy gunboat Tampico was refitting for another cruise at sea, half of the officers and crew were enjoying shore leave when Executive Officer Lieutenant Malpica and three other officers began to rally the remaining crew aboard Tampico, the mob of sailors then headed for their captain where they arrested him without violence. During which Lietenant Malpica, who took command, informed the captain of unknown naqme that he would be steeting steam for Constitutionalist employemnt immediately. The Tampico started and intended to head northward for Guaymas.

Just then the Mexican Navy gunboat Guerrero, under Captain Navio Torres, was spotted in front of Tampico so Lieutenat Malpica ordered his ship to procede right for Guerrero", hoping to ram and sink her. Unfortunately for Tampico, her stearing gear malfunctioned and she was forced to turn around and head for Topolobampo in Sinola. Tampico's former Captain was transferred to a merchant vessel, SS Herrerias and taken to Mazaltan which was still in federal hands at the time. Tampico made it to Topolobampo which became her home port she would operate out of throughout the naval campaign. Various stories revolve around why Lieutenant Malpica resulted to Mutiny, none are known to be true though.


After being humiliated by allowing Tampico to escape and join the rebellion, Captain Navio Torres with Guerrero and another gunboat, the Morelos headed for Topolobampo where they suspected to find the Tampico. Guerrero arrived on March 2, where she anchored outside the bar for the gunboat Morelos which would arrive the following day. Tampico was not in sight however, apparantly she was conducting a mission against fedral Mexican forces elsewhere. So the two gunboats sat and waited of Topolobampo until the next morning, on March 4, they sighted Tampico as she entered the channel. Guerrero was immediately ordered underway, Morelos followed along Guerrero's astern.

Just seconds after lifting anchor, Guerrero opened fire from around 9,000 yards with her main gun battery. A running battle ensued, Tampico did not stop to fire until after passing Shell Point, once on the other side, she opened fire with her 4 inch guns at Guerrero. Upon recieving fire, Captain Torres, ordered his ship to maneuver into position for a broadside attack, Guerrero fired but none of her shots hit their target. At this time Morelos was about 800 yards off Guerrero's portside when she opened fire. A gunnery duel continued for sometime, ultimately no hits were made by either sides who fired at eachother from a range of 8,000 to 9,000 yards away.

Guerrero had a much better armament than Tampico, Guerrero had larger guns that gave her a farther range than that of Tampico. This would become a major factor in the coming battles which gave the federals a distinct advantage over the Constitutionalist gunboat. Eventually Tampico made for the protection of Topolobampo's port, she entered the bar nad the fighting ended. The federal gunboat Guerrero again anchored outside the bar, to initiate a naval blockade while Morelos left for Guaymas for coal andf other supplies, she would return a few days later.


Throughout the engagement, none of the rounds fired were able to hit the other. Tampico, according to report, fired far more accurate shots than the other two gunboats. Of her rounds, one was spotted fifty yards too short of Guerrero, another fifty yards over, and one more just off Guerrero's portside. The rounds shot by Guerrero and Morelos were reportedly far less accurate than Tampico's fire. Guerrero fire about twenty rounds that morning, Morelos about seven and Tampico fired fourteen. On March 13, Tampico would test the federal blockade, during another bloodless sea battle known as the Second Battle of Topolobampo.

See Also
