Erno Polgar

Ernő Polgár (born Ernö Csupity; 27 January 1954 in Bácsalmás[1] – 28 October 2018 in Borneo)[2] was a Radnoti Prize[3] and Nagy Lajos Prize-winning author. In 2007 he was awarded one of the highest Hungarian rewards: the Knight's Cross of the Order of the Republic of Hungary. He was nominated for Nobel Prize in Literature in 2017 for the year of 2018. He was a world literary rank Hungarian-European[4] author, editor, littérateur and dramaturgist.[5] Since 2018 he had been living in Borneo Island, Brunei Kingdom, spending time in his "writing house".


He attended the secondary grammar school Janos Hunyadi[6] and did his final exams there in 1972. He worked as a librarian and graduated at the University of Theatre and Film Arts as a dramaturgist.[7] Between 1972 and 1976 he worked as a librarian in the National Széchényi Library then became an editor for the Hungarian Radio Corporation.[8] From 1979 he worked as a dramaturgist for the Madach Theatre [hu][9] then between 1997 and 1998 worked as Head of Registrars Department at the University of Theatre and Film Arts.[10]

Literary career

Ernő Polgár is a well-known writer. He received the Radnóti Anti-Racism Award 2014[11]

The readers can find the different manifestations of the anti-Semitism in his works[12][13] This sentence makes it sound like his writing is anti-semitic, which doesn't make sense given the preceding sentence noting that he won an award for not being racist. Ernő Polgar's philosophy is, “the measure of the civilization are the respect for ancestors and humanism.”[14][15] He started writing as a child for the journal The People of Petofi.[16][17] His sociography titled “The Lodgers” was published in the magazine Budapest [hu] in 1975. He won the scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences[18] in 1981, the Soros Fellowship[10] in 1983 and the Scholarship of Pro Cultura Hungariae in 1998[19] He has been a free-lance writer since 1998. Between 2000 and 2003 he was the head of Blue Shop Online Gallery and Digital Publisher and chairman of the supervisory board of online media agency. From 2002 he was the secretary and later chairman of the Prose Section of the Hungarian Writers' Union.[20]

Since 2004 he has been the member of the Society of Belletrists [hu],[21] managing literary programs: “Nights in Lipotvaros” (Club Gallery, Ujlipotvaros), “Encounters” and “Frankel Nights”. Member of the Hungarian P.E.N. Club[22] and the National Association of Hungarian Artists (MAOE), chairman of the Association of [11] Humanist Writers (HIT) and secretary general of the Barankovics Jewish Workshop In 2007 he won one of the highest Hungarian prizes:[23] Magyar Köztarsasagi Erdemrend Lovagkereszt (Knight's Cross of the Order of the Republic of Hungary)

Erno Polgar in Bali


Erno Polgar in India

Works published in lifework edition

Erno Polgar doing a dedication

Works published online

all'Internet (Traduzione di Kati Szasz)


  1. ^ Magyar Irodalom Evkonyve Budapest, 2003. 152. o. ISBN 963 9373 64 8
  2. ^ "Elhunyt Polgár Ernő – Litera – Az irodalmi portál".
  3. ^ ""
  4. ^ "(International Who is who "(MTI ki kicsoda) 2009. Szerk. Hermann Péter. Budapest: Magyar Távirati Iroda. 2008. ISBN 978-963-1787-283 Ki kicsoda Greger-Biograf Bp. 2000. 1298 oldal
  5. ^ "Szépírók Társasága - Polgár Ernô". Archived from the original on 2014-08-27. Retrieved 2014-10-19.
  6. ^ "A bacsalmasi Hunyadi Janos Gimnazium evfordulos evkonyve" 1953–1993. Bacsalmas, 1993. 35-36. o. ISBN 963 04 3027 4
  7. ^ " Archived 2018-02-12 at the Wayback Machine"
  8. ^ "Who´s who in Europe London, 2003. ISBN 92-890-1348-6"
  9. ^ "Scenes of Hungarian Theatres International Theater Institute" Ed. György Lehel Bp. 1981. ISBN 963 691 029 4
  10. ^ a b "Hübners Who is Who" CH-6304Zug, 2005. ISBN 3-7290-0051-9
  11. ^ a b "Cserenyi Rita: Polgar Erno Eletpalya, muvei es repertorium in Zsidok, kotródjatok! Jews, shove off! Exile to Babylon" Bp. 2010. 449-719. o. ISBN 978-963-9864-10-8
  12. ^ "Barát Tamás CV".
  13. ^ Polgár, Ernő (13 December 2018). Holocaust : Gettó a Délvidéken. [Szerző].
  14. ^ ""
  15. ^ Tom Barat (New York)
  16. ^ "Yearbook of the Hungarian Literature (A magyar irodalom evkonyve)" 2002. Bp. 2003. page no. 152. ISBN 963 9373 64 8
  17. ^ "Contemporary hungarian writers (Kortars magyar irok)" 1945–1997 Bp. Enciklopedia Edition, 1998. I. A-J II. K-Z ISBN 963 8477 31 8
  18. ^ a b "Who´s who in Europe" London, 2003. ISBN 92-890-1348-6
  19. ^ "Yearbook of the Hungarian Literature" (A magyar irodalom evkonyve) 2002. Bp. 2003. page no. 152. ISBN 963 9373 64 8
  20. ^ ""
  21. ^ " Archived 2014-08-27 at the Wayback Machine"
  22. ^ " (Members of the International PEN CLUB)"
  23. ^ "!page.action?author=polgar-erno&pageStart=20&pageLength=80[permanent dead link]"
  24. ^ "Lang Jozsef: Polgar Erno in Hullámsír, Hazatérők, Ady" Bp. 1983. 139-141. ISBN 963 422 555 1
  25. ^ ""
  26. ^ "" (Erno Polgar´s book in England)
  27. ^ ""
  28. ^ " Archived 2014-12-28 at the Wayback Machine"
  29. ^ " Archived 2007-06-09 at the Wayback Machine"