Enzo Carli (20 August 1910 - 26 September 1999) was an Italian art historian and art critic.



Born in Pisa, he studied at the University of Pisa under Mario Salmi and Matteo Marangoni. His graduation thesis was on the sculptor Tino di Camaino (1285-1337). In 1937 he was made superintendent of Aquila and two years later moved to Siena, where he taught art history at the University of Siena and was director of the Pinacoteca Nazionale until 1952 and of the Museo dell'Opera Metropolitana del Duomo until 1973.

In 1980 he received the President of the Republic's Prize as a member emeritus of the Accademia dei Lincei. In 1995 that Accademia awarded him the Feltrinelli Prize for art criticism and poetry.[1] He died in Siena and is buried in Pisa's Camposanto monumentale.[2] In September 2000 his children donated the Fondo Enzo Carli to the University of Siena, depositing around 5000 pieces of his correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, typescripts and prints dating from 1928 to 1996 in that university's literature department library.



Works translated into French


Works translated into German


Works translated into English



  1. ^ "Premi Feltrinelli 1950-2011" (in Italian).
  2. ^ "L'inumazione di Enzo Carli avverrà con una cerimonia solenne" (in Italian). Archived from the original on 2019-12-21. Retrieved 2019-12-17.

Bibliography (in Italian)
