Daniel Judah Elazar (b. 1934 - d. 1999) was a professor of political science at Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.[1]

His research specialties were political culture, comparative federalism, American federalism, the Jewish political tradition, Israel and the world Jewish community.[2]

Early life

Elazar was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He earned his bachelor's degree at Wayne State University. While in college he worked as a librarian for the United Hebrew Schools in Detroit, Michigan. He proceeded to earn his master's degree and his doctorate at the University of Chicago.[3] Elazar lived in Philadelphia before moving to Jerusalem, Israel with his wife Harriet and three children. [4]

Professional life

Elazar spent the majority of his professional career at Temple University. In his later years he concurrently served as an academic at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, which he founded in 1976.


  1. ^ Inventory of Daniel J. Elazar's papers at the Minnesota Historical Society
  2. ^ About Daniel J. Elazar at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs website
  3. ^ Inventory of Elazar's papers
  4. ^ http://www.jcpa.org/dje/aboutdje.htm