The city of Santa Ana de Coro was founded in 1527. Being the oldest city in the western part of Venezuela, Coro is currently the capital of Falcón State. A very important fact is that this city was first European settlement in the entire Americas to formally become "City".

From historic, colonial architecture to unique natural scenery, Coro presents a diverse set of touristic attractions. The colonial zone features the urban landscape of the 18th and 19th century with rounded-rocky streets and typical colonial buildings. Some of these buildings are museums with rich religious iconography or national historic value. In its northeast border, the city blends into “Los Medanos de Coro”, naturally-formed sand dunes that extends for a large area until it reaches the sea. Traveling one hour north, the tourist will find world-famous beaches for windsurfing in the Paraguaná peninsula. One hour south, “La Sierra de Coro” presents small towns with template climate and a full view of the city. During clear days, visitors will be able to see the Medanos, the Paraguana peninsula and its Santa Ana mountain. Driving west, tourists can also visit Urumaco, a famous archeological site in Venezuela.

The economy in Coro is highly dependent on state government expenditure. Retail commercial activity, civil construction and professional services are the principal activities of the city economy.
