Clara Bow
in Wings (Template:Fy)
Clara Gordon Bow
(m. 1931⁠–⁠1962)

Clara Gordon Bow (July 29, 1905 – September 27, 1965) was an American actress who rose to stardom in the silent film era of the 1920s. Her acting artistry and high spirits made her the premier flapper and the film It (1927) made her world famous. Bow came to personify the "roaring twenties"[1] and is described as its leading sex symbol.[2]

Early life

Sarah Bow 1895

Bow was born in a tenement in Brooklyn, New York. She was the third child; the first two, also daughters, born in 1903 and 1904, died in infancy.[3] Her mother Sarah Bow (1880-1923) was told by a doctor not to become pregnant again, because this time she might die as well. In spite of this Clara was conceived in fall of 1904. According to Bow her mother became "almost mad with apprehension and fear" [4] The delivery proved to be as difficult as feared; "At first, they thought I was dead... I don't suppose two people ever looked death in the face more clearly than my mother and I the morning I was born. We were both given up, but somehow we struggled back to life."[4]

At sixteen, Sarah fell from the second floor and suffered a severe blow to the head,[5] from which she later developed epilepsy. Sarah was diagnosed with "psychosis due to epilepsy",[6] which apart from the seizures cause disordered thoughts, delusional ideas, paranoia and even aggressive behavior.[7]

From her earliest years, Bow learned how to care for her mother during seizures and how to deal with psychotic and hostile episodes. She described that her mother could be mean to her but "I know she didn't mean to be and that it was because she couldn't help it".[4] Still, Bow felt deprived of her childhood, stating "As a kid I took care of my mother, she didn't take care of me".[8] Sarah Bow worsened gradually, and when she realized her daughter was set for a movie career, she felt it so disgraceful she must end her daughter's life. One night Clara awoke with a butcher knife against her throat but managed to fend off her mother and lock her up. In the morning, Sarah had no recollection of the episode and was eventually committed.[4]

Clara Bow circa 1917

Bow described her father Robert (1874-1959) as possessing a quick, keen mind and all the natural qualifications to make something of himself, but did not. He seldom managed to hold on to an employment and the family income varied drastically.[4] Between 1905 and 1923, the Bows lived at least 14 different addresses.[9] Aside from being a weak provider, Robert was often absent, leaving his family without means to survive.[10]

"It was snowing. My mother and I were cold and hungry. We had been cold and hungry for days. We lay in each others arms and cried and tried to keep warm. It grew worse and worse. So that night my mother - but I can't tell you about it. Only when I remember it, it seems to me I can't live."[11]

When Sarah Bow died in January 1923, and relatives gathered for the funeral, Bow made a scene and accused the attendees of not being supportive when it counted. She was so angry she even tried to jump after her mother down the grave.[4]

Bow never had a doll in her life, but treasured her roller skates.[12] As she grew up she felt shy among other girls who teased her for her worn-out clothes and "carrot-top" hair. But she had no use for their company, "sissy" attitudes or games. Instead, from first grade, she enjoyed the society of boys and their sports, stunts and fighting. "I could lick any boy my size. My right was quite famous. My right arm was developed from pitching so much ... Once I hopped a ride on behind a big fire engine. I got a lot of credit from the gang for that".[4]

Bow had her first big break in the movies playing a "boy" in Down to the Sea in Ships.[13] Soon she took on the emancipated flapper girl character and her quest for "male" or "boyish" freedoms.

Fame and Fortune contest

Portrait 1921

In the early twenties, roughly 50 million Americans, or half the population, attended the movies every week.[14] Bow added to the statistics with every cent she could get. Budding womanhood had made her stature as a "boy" in her old gang impossible, girlfriends she never had any, school was a heartache and home miserable. On the silver screen she found an alternative reality. "For the first time in my life I knew there was beauty in the world. For the first time I saw distant lands, serene, lovely homes, romance, nobility, glamor".[15] At sixteen Bow "knew" she wanted to be a motion pictures actress.

Contest form 1921

Every year Brewster publications Motion Picture Classic and Shadowland, held a nationwide acting contest, Fame and Fortune and several of its former winners had found work in the pictures afterwards.[16] With her father's support but against her mothers explicit will, she participated and won. In the final screen test Bow was up against an already scene-experienced woman, who went first and did "a beautiful piece of acting", but when Bow did the scene she actually became her character and "lived it".[17] In the January issues 1922 of Motion Picture Classics the jury concluded:

"She is very young, only 16. But she is full of confidence, determination and ambition. She is endowed with a mentality far beyond her years. She has a genuine spark of the divine fire. The five different screen tests she had, showed this very plainly, her emotional range of expression provoking a fine enthusiasm from every contest judge who saw the tests. She screens perfectly. Her personal appearance is almost enough to carry her to success without the aid of the brains she indubitably possesses".[18]

Bow won an evening gown and a silver trophy and more, the publisher committed to help her "gain a role in films". But nothing happened. Bow's father told her to "haunt" Brewster's office (handily located in Brooklyn) until they came up with something. "To get rid of me. Or maybe they really meant to (give me) all the time and were just busy". Bow was introduced to director Christy Cabanne who cast her in Beyond the Rainbow, produced late 1921 in New York City and released February 19, 1922.[19] Bow did five scenes, impressed Cabanne with true theatrical tears,[20] but was eventually cut from the print. Bow wasn't told, but found out when she full of expectations saw the movie at a theater in Brooklyn. "I was sick to my stomach",[21] she recalled and thought her mother was right about the movie business. Bow, who dropped out of school after she was notified she won the contest, in possible October 1921, got an ordinary office job.[22] However, movie ads and newspaper editorial comments from 1922-1923 suggest that Bow was not cut from Beyond the Rainbow. Her name is on the cast list among the other stars, usually tagged "Brewster magazine beauty contest winner" and sometimes even with a picture.[23]

the New York Starlet

Down to the sea in ships

Tomboy Bow undercover in Down to the Sea in Ships (1923)
Typical early advertisement

Encouraged by her father, Bow regained hope and started to run around studio agencies asking for parts. “But there was always something. I was too young, or too little, or too fat. Usually I was too fat.” [4] Eventually director Elmer Clifton needed a tomboy for his movie “Down to the sea in ships”, saw Bow in “motion picture classic” magazine and sent for her. In a desperate move to overcome her youthful looks, Bow put her hair up and arrived in a dress she “sneaked” from her mother. “You are too old”, Clifton said, but broke into laughter as the stammering Bow made him believe she was the winner-girl in the magazine. Clifton decided to bring Bow with him and offered her $50 a week, but added he couldn't say whether or not she would “fit the part” [24]. “Down to the sea in ships” was shot on location, New Bedford Massachusetts, produced by “The whaling film corporation” and intended to document the life, love and work in a whale-hunter community.

File:DownToTheSeaInShipsM 6.4.1923.png
Typical mid-run advertisement

The production relied on a few rather unknown actors and local talents but most of all enraged whales. Director Clifton needed twelve weeks to shot it and months to bring it together. At first it was advertised with full page action scenes, omitting the cast. In the end, when it had boiled down to its essence, there was Bow. Critics sang her praise.

Typical late advertisement

Bow found herself walking time after time by a Broadway movie theater, starring at her name in shimmering electric light above the entrance. “I can never tell you what happiness I felt, life had been so terrible hard and it seemed to me that now all my troubles were to be in the past” [29]


Young Bow brings up the heat in Grit

Three months before “Down to the sea in ship” was released, Bow danced on a table unaccredited in “Enemies of woman”, in spring she got a minor part in “The Daring Years” and in the summer, she got a 'tomboy' part in “Grit”, a story, which dealt with juvenile crime and was written by prominent F Scott Fitzgerald. Bow found her first boyfriend in cameraman Arthur Jacobson and she got to know director Frank Tuttle, a man who destiny was going to bring her together with in five more productions in the years to come. He remembered young Bow; “Her emotions were close to the surface..she was dynamite, full of nervous energy and vitality and pitifully eager to please everyone” [30] “Grit” was released in Jan 1924 and Variety wrote; “..Clara Bow lingers in the eye, long after the picture has gone..” [31]

Hollywood constantly searched the globe for talents and as Bow was star-material it was only a matter of time before the first offer would materialize. While shooting “Grit” in Pyramid Studios/Astoria/NYC, Bow was approached by Jack Bachman, associated producer at “Preferred pictures”. He wanted to contract her for a three months trail, fare paid and $50 /week. Bow who enjoyed her actress life in NY hesitated. “Why can't I stay in New York and make movies?”, she asked her father, but again he encourage her to move ahead. [32]


Bow arrived in Hollywood dressed true to her ‘tomboy’ identity. When Preferred Pictures head B. P. Schulberg saw the bedraggled teenager, he was reluctant even to give her a screen test, but he relented, and the results left him flabbergasted. Bow was extremely photogenic, and she could cry on command. Bow made her Hollywood debut in Maytime released in December 11th 1923. About the same time she was selected a WAMPAS Baby Star. [33]

As soon as Bow started to make money, she brought her father to live with her in Hollywood. For the next few years, she funded numerous business ventures for him, including a restaurant and a dry cleaner, all of which failed. He soon became a drunken nuisance on her sets, where he would try to pick up young girls by telling them his daughter was Clara Bow. [citation needed]

In 1925, Schulberg cast Bow in The Plastic Age. The movie was a huge hit, and Bow was suddenly the studio's most popular star. She also began to date her co-star Gilbert Roland, who would become the first of many fiancees. Bow followed her first big success with Mantrap (1926), directed by Victor Fleming. Though he was twice her age, Bow quickly fell in love with her director. She began seeing both Roland and Fleming at the same time.[citation needed]

The It Girl

Publicity photo, circa 1924

In 1927, Bow reached the heights of her popularity with the film It; the film was based on a story written by Elinor Glyn, and upon the film's release, Bow became known as "The It Girl". In Glyn's story, It, a character explains what "It" really is: "It...that strange magnetism which attracts both sexes... [e]ntirely unself-conscious...full of self-confidence... [i]ndifferent to the effect... [s]he is producing and uninfluenced by others." More commonly, "It" was taken to mean sex appeal. "'It', hell ... [S]he had those", quipped Dorothy Parker[34]

Many Hollywood insiders considered her socially undesirable. Bow was not liked by other women in Hollywood, and her presence at social functions was taboo, including her own premieres.[citation needed] Bow's bohemian lifestyle, thick Brooklyn accent and "dreadful" manners were considered reminders of the Hollywood Elite's uneasy position in high society, and they shunned her for it.[35] Budd Schulberg, wrote in his memoir, Moving Pictures, "Hollywood was a cultural schizophrene: The anti-movie Old Guard with their chamber music and their religious pageants fighting a losing battle against the more dynamic culture of the Ad Schulbergs who flaunted the bohemianism of Edna St. Vincent Millay and the socialism of Upton Sinclair. But there was one subject on which the staid old Hollywood establishment and the members of the new culture circle would agree: Clara Bow, no matter how great her popularity, was a low life and a disgrace to the community." [36]

However, Bow was praised by critics for her beauty, vitality and enthusiasm — Adolph Zukor, head of Paramount, said that "She danced even when her feet weren't moving. Some part of her was always in motion, if only her great, rolling eyes. It was an elemental magnetism, an animal vitality, that made her the center of attraction in any company."[37]

Wings (Template:Fy)

In 1927, Bow starred in Wings, a war picture largely rewritten to accommodate her, as she was Paramount's biggest star at the time. The film went on to win the first Academy Award for Best Picture. In 1928, Bow wrote the foreword for a novelization of her film The Fleet's In. Between 1927 and 1930, Bow was one of Hollywood's top five box office attractions.[38]

Bow's career continued into the early sound film era. Legend contends that her first talkie, The Wild Party, directed by Dorothy Arzner, was a disaster, but audiences crammed into theatres to see it, and the reviews, though they gave the film itself poor marks, commented that her voice suited her screen image well.[39] However, Bow began experiencing microphone fright on the sets of her sound films. A visibly nervous Bow had to do a number of retakes in The Wild Party because her eyes kept wandering up to the microphone overhead; Arzner took credit for being the first director to hang the microphone from overhead.[40] However, her performances in her sound films improved rapidly, and she continued to be a box office success.

While MGM had given their biggest star, Greta Garbo, two years to prepare for her first sound film, Paramount gave Bow two weeks. Paramount began canceling her films, docking her pay, charging her for unreturned costumes, and insisting that she pay for her publicity photographs. As she slipped closer and closer to a major breakdown, her manager B.P. Schulberg began referring to her as "Crisis-A-Day-Clara".[41]

The pressures of fame, public scandals, overwork and a damaging court trial involving former assistant Daisy DeVoe took their toll on Bow's already fragile emotional health. She ended up in a sanatorium in April 1931 with a case of shattered nerves. Paramount released her from her contract a short while later. Following a brief period away from Hollywood to recover, Bow signed a two-picture deal with Fox Film Corporation and returned to the screen in the early talkie Call Her Savage (1932). Although the film was a success, Bow opted for marriage and motherhood, and ended her film career after the release of Hoop-La the following year.

Later life

Bow and cowboy actor Rex Bell (actually George F. Beldam), later a Lieutenant Governor of Nevada, married in 1932 and had two sons, Tony Beldam (born 1934, changed name to Rex Anthony Bell, Jr.) and George Beldam, Jr. (born 1938). Bow retired from acting in 1933. Her last public exposure, albeit fleeting, was a guest appearance on the radio show Truth or Consequences in 1947; Bow provided the voice of "Mrs. Hush".

Clara Bow's crypt at Forest Lawn Glendale

In 1944, while Bell was running for the U.S. House of Representatives, Bow tried to commit suicide.[42] In 1949 she checked into The Institute of Living to be treated for her chronic insomnia. Shock treatment was tried and numerous psychological tests performed. Bow's IQ was measured "bright normal" (pp. 111-119), while others claimed she was unable to reason, had poor judgment and displayed inappropriate or even bizarre behavior. Bow was diagnosed with schizophrenia, despite experiencing no hallucinations or psychosis. Her insomnia was a result of childhood trauma, the analysts said, but Bow rejected psychological explanations for both her sleep disorder and her physical pains.[43][44]

Bow spent her last years in a modest house in Los Angeles under the constant care of a nurse, living off an estate worth about $500,000 at the time of her death.[43] She died on September 27, 1965, aged 60, of a heart attack while watching a Gary Cooper movie. The autopsy revealed that Bow suffered from atherosclerosis (death certificate), a heart disease established in early adolescence.[45] Bow's heart bore scars from an earlier undiagnosed heart attack.[46] She was interred in the Forest Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery in Glendale, California.


For her contributions to the motion picture industry, Bow was given a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. In 1994, she was honored with an image on a United States postage stamp designed by caricaturist Al Hirschfeld.

Urban myths

The book Hollywood Babylon spread the contemporary legend that Bow's friendship with members of the 1927 University of Southern California football team included group sex with the entire team. This was finally proved incorrect by her biographer, David Stenn, who interviewed still-living members of that year's team while researching his book.[40]

During her lifetime, Bow was the subject of wild rumors regarding her sex life; most of them were untrue. A tabloid called The Coast Reporter published lurid allegations about her in 1931, accusing her of exhibitionism, incest, lesbianism, bestiality, drug addiction, alcoholism, and having contracted venereal disease. The publisher of the tabloid then tried to blackmail Bow, offering to cease printing the stories for $25,000, which led to his arrest by federal agents, and later an eight-year prison sentence.[47]

Clara Bow, publicity shot, 1920


Year Film Role Notes
1922 Beyond the Rainbow Virginia Gardener
Down to the Sea in Ships Dot Morgan
1923 Enemies of Women Girl dancing on table
The Daring Years Mary
Maytime Alice Tremaine
Black Oxen Janet Ogelthorpe
1924 Grit Orchid McGonigle
Poisoned Paradise Margot LeBlanc
Daughters of Pleasure Lila Millas Alternative title: Beggar on Horseback
Wine Angela Warriner
Empty Hearts Rosalie
Helen's Babies Alice Mayton
This Woman Aline Sturdevant
Black Lightning Martha Larned
1925 Capital Punishment Delia Tate
The Adventurous Sex The Girl
Eve's Lover Rena D'Arcy
The Lawful Cheater Molly Burns
The Scarlet West Miriam
My Lady's Lips Lola Lombard
Parisian Love Marie
Kiss Me Again Grizette
The Keeper of the Bees Lolly Cameron
The Primrose Path Marilyn Merrill
Free to Love Marie Anthony
The Best Bad Man Peggy Swain
The Plastic Age Cynthia Day
The Ancient Mariner Doris
My Lady of Whims Prudence Severn
1926 Dance Madness -
Shadow of the Law Mary Brophy
Two Can Play Dorothy Hammis
Dancing Mothers Kittens Westcourt
Fascinating Youth Clara Bow
The Runaway Cynthia Meade
Mantrap Alverna
Kid Boots Clara McCoy
1927 It Betty Lou Spence
Children of Divorce Kitty Flanders
Rough House Rosie Rosie O'Reilly
Wings Mary Preston
Hula Hula Calhoun
Get Your Man Nancy Worthington
1928 Red Hair Bubbles McCoy
Ladies of the Mob Yvonne
The Fleet's In Trixie Deane
Three Weekends Gladys O'Brien
1929 The Wild Party Stella Ames
Dangerous Curves Pat Delaney
The Saturday Night Kid Mayme Alternative title: Love 'Em and Leave 'Em
1930 True to the Navy Ruby Nolan
Love Among the Millionaires Pepper Whipple
Her Wedding Night Norma Martin
1931 No Limit Helen "Bunny" O'Day
Kick In Molly Hewes
1932 Call Her Savage Nasa Springer
1933 Hoop-La Lou
1949 Screen Snapshots 1860: Howdy, Podner Clara Bow - Resort Guest Short subject



  1. ^ Morella, Joseph (1976). The "It" Girl. Delacorte Press. p. 283. ((cite book)): Text "ISBN0440041279" ignored (help)
  2. ^ Drowne, Kathleen Morgan (2004). The 1920's. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 237. ISBN 0313320136. ((cite book)): Unknown parameter |coauthor= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  3. ^ Stenn, David (1988). Clara Bow: Runnin' Wild. Doubleday. p. 8. ISBN 0385241259.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h "My life, by Clara Bow". Told to and edited by Adela Rogers St. Johns. Published by Photoplay Magazine in February, March and April 1928.
  5. ^ Stenn, David (1988). Clara Bow: runnin' wild. Doubleday. p. 6. ISBN 0385241259.
  6. ^ Stenn, David (1988). Clara Bow: runnin' wild. Doubleday. p. 26. ISBN 0385241259.
  7. ^ NYU Langone Medical Center website (psychosis and epilepsy)
  8. ^ Morella, Joseph (1976). The "It" Girl. Delacorte Press. p. 24. ((cite book)): Text "ISBN0440041279" ignored (help)
  9. ^ Stenn, David (1988). Clara Bow: Runnin' Wild. Doubleday. p. 322. ISBN 0385241259.
  10. ^ Morella, Joseph (1976). The "It" Girl. Delacorte Press. p. 17. ((cite book)): Text "ISBN0440041279" ignored (help)
  11. ^ St. Johns, Adela Rogers (December 1930). "The Salvation of Clara Bow". The New Movie Magazine: 40.
  12. ^ Morella, Joseph (1976). The "It" Girl. Delacorte Press. p. 19. ((cite book)): Text "ISBN0440041279" ignored (help)
  13. ^ Evening Tribune Times, February 10, 1923
  14. ^ "Daily life in the US, 1920-1939", David E. Kyvig, p. 79, 2002, The Greenwood Press Daily Life Through History Series
  15. ^ "My life, by Clara Bow", ibid.
  16. ^ Fort Wayne News April 29, 1921
  17. ^ Statement made by set member, "Clara makes her first picture" by Louella Parsons, The San Antonio Light, May 21, 1931
  18. ^ Motion Picture Magazine, Jan 1922; jury; Howard Chandler Christy, movie critic, Neysa Mcmein, illustrator, Harrison Fischer, artist, painter, stage & movie critic
  19. ^ Clara Bow Runnin' Wild, p. 287, Stenn, David, 1988 Penguin Books, a Division of Viking Penguin, New York,
  20. ^ "My life by Clara Bow", ibid.
  21. ^ "Clara makes her first picture", ibid.
  22. ^ The It Girl by Joe Morella and Edward Z Epstein, p. 39, 1976, Dell Publishing Co., Inc, ISBN 0-440-14068-4
  23. ^ See Beyond the Rainbow for an example.
  24. ^ ”Real life story of Clara Bow”, ibid.
  25. ^ The Ogden Standard Examiner 12.17.1922 (Pre release)
  26. ^ Pennsylvania Daily news 04.09.1923.
  27. ^ The Kokomo Daily tribune, Oct 6 1923
  28. ^ The Davenport democrat and leader 11.28.1923
  29. ^ ”Real life story of Clara Bow”, ibid.
  30. ^ ”Real life story of Clara Bow”, ibid.
  31. ^ Variety Feb 29 1924
  32. ^ The It Girl by Joe Morella and Edward Z Epstein, p. 47, 1976, Dell Publishing Co., Inc, ISBN 0-440-14068-4
  33. ^ Stenn, David, Clara Bow Runnin' Wild, pp. 37-38, 1988, Penguin Books, a Division of Viking Penguin New York; originally published by Doubleday New York
  34. ^ Everson, William K. (1998) [1978]. American Silent Film (1st Da Capo Press ed. ed.). New York: Da Capo Press, Inc. ISBN. ((cite book)): |edition= has extra text (help); Cite has empty unknown parameters: |chapterurl= and |coauthors= (help); Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  35. ^ Stenn, David, Clara Bow Runnin' Wild, pp. 116-117, 1988, Penguin Books, a division of Penuguin Viking, New York, New York, originally published by Doubleday, New York, New York
  36. ^ Schulberg, Budd, Moving Pictures: Memories of a Hollywood Prince, September 25, 2003, Ivan R. Dee, Publisher
  37. ^ Stenn, David, Clara Bow Runnin' Wild, p. 70, 1988, Penguin Books, a division of Penuguin Viking, New York, originally published by Doubleday New York
  38. ^ "The Girl Who Had IT", Time
  39. ^ Stenn, David, Clara Bow Runnin' Wild, pp. 157-162, 1998 Penguin Books, a Division of Penguin Viking New York, originally published by Doubleday, New York
  40. ^ a b c d Clara Bow and the USC Football Team at Cite error: The named reference "TCM" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  41. ^ Stenn, David, Clara Bow Runnin' Wild, p. 231, 1998 Penguin Books, a Division of Penguin Viking New York, originally published by Doubleday, New York
  42. ^ Politics '99|Human Events|Find Articles at
  43. ^ a b Stenn, David. Running Wild, pp. 263, 266, Cooper Square Press, New Ed Edition 2000. ISBN
  44. ^ Joseph Morella, Edward Z Epstein. The "It" Girl", p. 276, Dell TM 681510 Dell Pub Co, INC, 1977, ISBN 0-440-14068-4
  45. ^ De Vane, Mattew S, Heart Smart, pp. 31-32, Edition Illustrated, John Wiley and Sons, 2006
  46. ^ Stenn, David. Running Wild, p. 281, Cooper Square Press, New Ed Edition 2000. ISBN
  47. ^ Stenn, David, Clara Bow: Runnin' Wild, p. 238, 1988 Penguin Books, a division of Viking Penguin New York, originally published by Doubleday, New York
  48. ^ Effy's blog

