The canton of Bouzonville is an administrative division of the Moselle department, northeastern France. Its borders were modified at the French canton reorganisation which came into effect in March 2015. Its seat is in Bouzonville.[1]

It consists of the following communes:[1]

  1. Alzing
  2. Anzeling
  3. Apach
  4. Berviller-en-Moselle
  5. Bibiche
  6. Bouzonville
  7. Brettnach
  8. Château-Rouge
  9. Chémery-les-Deux
  10. Colmen
  11. Contz-les-Bains
  12. Dalem
  13. Dalstein
  14. Ébersviller
  15. Falck
  16. Filstroff
  17. Flastroff
  18. Freistroff
  19. Grindorff-Bizing
  20. Guerstling
  21. Halstroff
  22. Hargarten-aux-Mines
  23. Haute-Kontz
  24. Heining-lès-Bouzonville
  25. Hestroff
  26. Holling
  27. Hunting
  28. Kerling-lès-Sierck
  29. Kirsch-lès-Sierck
  30. Kirschnaumen
  31. Laumesfeld
  32. Launstroff
  33. Malling
  34. Manderen-Ritzing
  35. Menskirch
  36. Merschweiller
  37. Merten
  38. Montenach
  39. Neunkirchen-lès-Bouzonville
  40. Oberdorff
  41. Rémelfang
  42. Rémeling
  43. Rémering
  44. Rettel
  45. Rustroff
  46. Saint-François-Lacroix
  47. Schwerdorff
  48. Sierck-les-Bains
  49. Tromborn
  50. Vaudreching
  51. Villing
  52. Vœlfling-lès-Bouzonville
  53. Waldweistroff
  54. Waldwisse


49°17′N 6°32′E / 49.29°N 6.54°E / 49.29; 6.54