Battle of Praga
Part of the Kościuszko Uprising

Obrona Pragi (Defence of Praga) by Aleksander Orłowski
Date4 November 1794
Result Decisive Russian victory
Polish forces Russia Russian Empire
Commanders and leaders

Józef Zajączek

Berek Joselewicz
Aleksandr Suvorov
30,000 men[1][2][3]
104 cannons[2][4]
22,000,[2] of which 16,000 engaged[3][5][1]
86 cannons[2][4]
Casualties and losses
9,000 rebels killed[6]
7,000 civilians killed[6]
Another estimate: 10,000-15,000[1][7] to up to 20,000[8] people killed in total
14,680 captured[2][1][3][5]
104 cannons captured[2]
580 killed, 960 injured[2][9];
View of Russian assault on Praga

The Battle of Praga or the Second Battle of Warsaw of 1794 was a Russian assault of Praga, the easternmost suburb of Warsaw, during the Kościuszko Uprising in 1794. It was followed by a massacre (known as the Massacre of Praga[a]) of the civilian population of Praga.

Eve of the battle

After the Battle of Maciejowice General Tadeusz Kościuszko was captured by the Russians.[10]: 210  The internal struggle for power in Warsaw and the demoralisation of the city's population prevented General Józef Zajączek from finishing the fortifications surrounding the city both from the east and from the west. At the same time the Russians were making their way towards the city.

Opposing forces

The Russian forces consisted of two battle-hardened corps under Generals Aleksandr Suvorov and Ivan Fersen. Suvorov took part in the recent Russo-Turkish war, then in the heavy fighting in Polesie and finally in the Battle of Maciejowice. Fersen fought for several months in Poland, but was also joined by fresh reinforcements sent from Russia. Each of them had approximately 11,000 men.

The Polish forces consisted of a variety of troops. Apart from the rallied remnants of the Kościuszko's army defeated in the Battle of Maciejowice, it also included a large number of untrained militia from Warsaw, Praga and Vilna, a 500-man Jewish regiment of Berek Joselewicz as well as a number of scythemen and civilians.[11] The forces were organised in three separate lines, each covering a different part of Praga. The central area was commanded directly by General Józef Zajączek, the northern area was commanded by Jakub Jasiński and the southern by Władysław Jabłonowski. Altogether, the Polish commander had 30,000 men[1][2][3] and 104 cannons.[2][4] Suvorov came to the walls of Praga with 16,000 troops[3][5][1] and 86 cannons.[2][4]


The Russian forces reached the outskirts of Warsaw on November 3, 1794. Immediately upon arrival, the Russian forces started artillery barrage of the Polish defences. This made the Polish commander think that the opposing forces were preparing for a long siege. However, Suvorov's plan assumed the fast and concentrated assault on the Polish defences rather than a bloody and lengthy siege.

At 3 o'clock in the morning of November 4 the Russian troops silently reached the positions just outside the outer rim of Polish field fortifications and two hours later started an all-out assault. The Polish defenders were completely surprised and soon the Polish lines were broken onto several isolated pockets of resistance, bombarded by the Russians with canister shots with a devastating effect. General Zajączek was slightly wounded and retreated from his post, leaving the remainder of his forces without command. This made the Poles retreat towards the centre of Praga and then towards Vistula.

The heavy fighting lasted for four hours and resulted in a complete defeat of the Polish forces. Joselewicz survived, being severely wounded, but almost all of his command was annihilated; Jasiński was killed fighting bravely on the front line. Only a small part managed to evade encirclement and retreated to the other side of the river across a bridge; hundreds of soldiers and civilians fell from a bridge and drowned in the process.


Rzeź Pragi (Slaughter of Praga) by Aleksander Orłowski, 1810
Rzeź Pragi (Slaughter of Praga), woodcut after Juliusz Kossak (19th century)

Like in his previous battles, when he had ordered his men to spare non-combatants and the evacuation of townspeople,[12] Suvorov issued an order on 3 November 1794 that included special instructions regarding the treatment of enemy civilians, "Do not enter houses; spare any enemy asking for quarter; do not kill unarmed men; do not make war on women; do not touch youngsters".[13][14] However, after the battle spread to the streets[15] and the insurgents hid in civilian houses,[16] vowing to fight to the last man,[17] the Russian troops, against the orders given by Suvorov prior to the battle, started to kill remaining insurgents and many townspeople in revenge for the slaughter of the Russian Garrison in Warsaw,[18][19][1][20] during the Warsaw Uprising in April 1794, when two thousand[21] Russian military servicemen stationed in Warsaw were massacred by armed Polish townspeople, who played a major role in the attack,[22] and soldiers and cut with spikes and axes.[23] The massacre, which resulted in the death of 2,265 men,[24][25] including unarmed soldiers of the Kiev Regiment killed while attending church service,[26] enraged Suvorov's troops,[1][18][19] and they shouted "No quarter!"[18] Faddey Bulgarin recalled the words of General Ivan von Klugen, who took part in the Battle of Praga, “We were being shot at from the windows of houses and the roofs, and our soldiers were breaking into the houses and killing all who happened to get in the way… In every living being our embittered soldiers saw the murderer of our men during the uprising in Warsaw… It cost a lot of effort for the Russian officers to save these poor people from the revenge of our soldiers… At four o'clock the terrible revenge for the slaughter of our men in Warsaw was complete!”[18] Denis Davydov wrote on this, “During the assault on Praga the rage of our troops, who were burning with revenge for the treacherous slaughter of our comrades by the Poles, reached extreme limits”.[19] Over the course of the assault, Russian field artillery was supporting the infantry by firing cannon balls and bombs at the parts of the city held by the rebels, causing much damage, as pointed out in the report of Suvorov. The latter noted, "The streets and squares of Praga was strewn with dead bodies, blood was flowing in streams."[27][28] The wooden houses of Praga caught fire, leading to the massive explosion of a powder magazine.[18]

The exact death toll of that day and the ratio of combatants to non-combatants killed varies in different sources. It is estimated that either 9,000 rebels and 7,000 civilians[6] or up to 20,000 rebels and civilians died,[8] of which thousands drowned while trying to cross the Vistula.[29][17] In his report, Suvorov estimated the number of dead insurgents and civilians at 13,340, adding that more than 3,000 drowned in the Vistula while trying to retreat, whereas 12,860 were captured, of which 10,000 were later released.[27][30] Similar figures appear in the writings of Major General Lev Engelgardt, who served under Suvorov: 13,000 killed, 2,000 drowned, 14,680 were captured, of which 8,000 were released the next day.[31] The practice of releasing Polish prisoners of war is confirmed by a letter of State Secretary Dmitry Troschinsky to Count Alexander Vorontsov on 24 November 1794, "Count Suvorov has rendered great services by taking Warsaw, but is unbearably annoying with his inconsistent orders there. All Poles in general, not excluding the main rioters, are being released by him to their homes".[32][33] The fact that thousands of Poles were taken alive and released soon afterwards is also evident in other documents, such as the report sent by Suvorov to Count Pyotr Rumyantsev on 7 November, regarding the fate of some of the captives, "Polish Praga prisoners with 3 generals, staff and ober-officers, up to 500, and lower ranks, up to 4,000, as well as the artillery that got in our hands, 101 guns, today will be sent to Varkovic at Kiev. Out of the captured insurgents and defending townspeople, more than 6,000 have been released, and also the Prussians who were in captivity, 313, and 63 Austrians, which were sent to their commands".[34] 500 captured Polish staff and ober-officers were released by Suvorov en route to Kiev, as is confirmed by the autobiography of Major General Sergey I. Mosolov, who escorted them in 1794.[35] It was thought that unruly Cossack troops were partly to blame for the uncontrolled destruction in the city.[36] Some Russian historians claim that Suvorov tried to stop the massacre by ordering the destruction of the bridge to Warsaw over the Vistula river [37] with the purpose of preventing the spread of violence to Warsaw, while others believe that by doing this he wanted to prevent Polish troops stationing on the left bank from attacking his forces.[19] Other historians dispute this.[38] The massacre of Praga dented Suvorov and the Russian army's reputation throughout Europe.[39]

After the battle

After the battle, the commanders of Warsaw and a large part of its inhabitants became demoralised. To spare Warsaw the fate of its eastern suburb, General Tomasz Wawrzecki decided to withdraw his remaining forces southwards and on 5 November Warsaw was captured by the Russians with little or no opposition. It is said that after the battle General Aleksandr Suvorov sent a report to Catherine the Great consisting of only the following words, Hooray! Warsaw is ours! The Empress of Russia replied equally briefly, Bravo, Fieldmarshal. Catherine,[40] promoting him to Field Marshal for this victory.[21] As in Praga, Suvorov soon released most of his Polish captives, numbering 25,469,[41] which caused a critical remark from the Russian State Secretary,[32] and in his report to Catherine II recommended not to levy a contribution on the Polish capital.[42] To prevent any further excesses, his troops stationed in Poland were ordered to keep "serenity, quietness and friendliness" and prohibited, under the threat of punishment, from oppressing the local population or even showing any forms of disrespect towards the Polish people of all ranks.[43]

See also

References and notes

a ^ The Polish term for the massacre, rzeź Pragi, more literally translates as Slaughter of Praga, but most English sources translate it as "massacre".

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h Duffy C. Russia's Military Way to the West: Origins and Nature of Russian Military Power 1700-1800. Routledge. 2015. P. 196
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Encyclopædia Britannica: or, A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Miscellaneous Literature, Volume I, Part 1. A. Bell and C. Macfarquhar, 1797. P. 634
  3. ^ a b c d e Duffy C. Eagles Over the Alps: Suvorov in Italy and Switzerland, 1799. Emperor's Press, 1999. P. 16
  4. ^ a b c d History of the Eighteenth Century and of the Nineteenth Till the Overthrow of the French Empire. Volume VI. Chapman and Hall. 1845. P. 256
  5. ^ a b c Dixon S. The Modernisation of Russia, 1676-1825. Cambridge University Press. 1999. P. 41
  6. ^ a b c Black J. European Warfare, 1660-1815. Routledge. 2002. P. 173
  7. ^ The Kosciuszko Uprising 2 - The Siege of Warsaw and Defeat (1794)
  8. ^ a b "According to one Russian estimate, 20,000 people had been killed in the space of a few hours" (Adam Zamoyski: The Last King of Poland, London, 1992, p. 429)
  9. ^ Template:Ru icon Бантыш-Каменский Д. Биографии российских генералиссимусов и генерал-фельдмаршалов. СПб.: В тип. 3-го деп. Мингосимуществ,1840; [1]
  10. ^ Storozynski, A., 2009, The Peasant Prince, New York: St. Martin's Press, ISBN 9780312388027
  11. ^ Tgnacy Schipper, Żydzi Krolestwa Polskiego w dobie Powstania Listopadowego, Warszawa, 1932.
  12. ^ Longworth P. The art of victory: the life and achievements of Field Marshal Suvorov, 1729-1800. Constable, 1965. P. 79
  13. ^ Osipov K. Alexander Suvorov: A Biography. Hutchinson. 1944. P. 104
  14. ^ Order issued by A. V. Suvorov on 23 October 1794
  15. ^ Clare I. S. The Standard History of the World, by Great Historians. University Society Inc. 1914. P. 3181
  16. ^ Орлов Н. А. Штурм Праги Суворовым в 1794 г. СПб., 1894. С. 90
  17. ^ a b Kagan F., Higham R. The Military History of Tsarist Russia. Springer. 2016. P. 99
  18. ^ a b c d e Faddey Bulgarin (:ru:Булгарин, Фаддей Венедиктович) (21 August 2015). "Воспоминания (Memoires)" (in Russian). Российский Мемуарий. ((cite web)): Check |author= value (help)
  19. ^ a b c d Denis Dawidow (:ru:Денис Васильевич Давыдов) (31 March 2009). "ВСТРЕЧА С ВЕЛИКИМ СУВОРОВЫМ (Spotkanie z wielki Suworowem)" (in Russian).Классика. ((cite web)): Check |author= value (help)
  20. ^ Madariaga: Catherine the Great: a Short History (Yale) p. 175
  21. ^ a b John T. Alexander, Catherine the Great: Life and Legend, Oxford University Press US, 1999, ISBN 0-19-506162-4, Google Print, p.317
  22. ^ Black J. European Warfare, 1660-1815. Routledge. 2002. P. 173
  23. ^ Davies N. God's Playground A History of Poland. Volume I: The Origins to 1795. OUP Oxford, 2005. P. 406
  24. ^ Костомаров. Последние годы Речи Посполитой. / ПСС. СПб. 1871. С. 578
  25. ^ Clodfelter M. Warfare and Armed Conflicts: A Statistical Reference to Casualty and Other Figures, 1500-2000. McFarland. 2002. P. 103
  26. ^ Костомаров. Последние годы Речи Посполитой. / ПСС. СПб. 1871. С. 571
  27. ^ a b The Report of Suvorov on the Storming of Praga on 24 October (4 November) 1794
  28. ^ Isabel de Madariaga, Russia in the Age of Catherine the Great, Sterling Publishing Company, Inc., 2002, ISBN 1-84212-511-7, Google Print, p. 446
  29. ^ Duffy C. Russia's Military Way to the West: Origins and Nature of Russian Military Power 1700-1800. Routledge. 2015. P. 196
  30. ^ Штурм Праги Суворовым в 1794 году. Тип. Штаба войск Гвардии и Петербургского воен. округа, 1894. С. 132
  31. ^ Записки Льва Николаевича Энгельгардта. 1766-1836. Издание "Русского Архива". М. 1867. C. 177-178
  32. ^ a b Жизнь Суворова, рассказанная им самим и его современниками. Терра-Книжный клуб, 2001. С. 372: "…Граф Суворов великие оказал услуги взятием Варшавы, но зато уж несносно досаждает несообразными своими там распоряжениями. Всех генерально поляков, не исключая и главных бунтовщиков, отпускает свободно в их домы…"
  33. ^ А. В. Суворов. Письма. М. Наука. 1986. С. 666
  34. ^ 24 October (7 November) 1794. Report of A. V. Suvorov to P. A. Rumyantsev on the Sending the Prisoners and Artillery Taken in the Assault of Praga to Kiev
  35. ^ Мосолов С. И. Записки отставного генерал-маиора Сергея Ивановича Мосолова // Русский архив, № 1. 1905: "Однако с дороги граф Суворов лучших из них, по просьбе Польского короля, отпустил 500 человек, в том числе генерал-майора Мейна, которого я взял во время штурма, в плен, и довольно штаб и обер-офицеров".
  36. ^ John Leslie Howard, Soldiers of the Tsar: Army and Society in Russia, 1462-1874, Keep, Oxford University Press, 1995, ISBN 0-19-822575-X, Google Print, p.216
  37. ^ Template:Ru iconA. F. Petrushevsky. "Generalissimo Prince Suvorov", chapter "Polish war: Praga, 1794", originally published 1884, reprinted 2005, ISBN 5-98447-010-1
  38. ^ Template:Pl icon Janusz Tazbir, Polacy na Kremlu i inne historyje (Poles on Kreml and other stories), Iskry, 2005, ISBN 83-207-1795-7, fragment online Archived 2006-02-26 at the Wayback Machine
  39. ^ Madariaga: Catherine the Great p. 175
  40. ^ Norman Davies, Europe: A History, Oxford University Press, 1996, ISBN 0-19-820171-0, Google Print, p.722
  41. ^ 1794, November 30. Report of A. V. Suvorov to P. A. Rumyantsev On the Number of Polish Army Ranks Released with Passes
  42. ^ 1794, December 5. Report of A. V. Suvorov to Her Imperial Majesty Catherine II on the Situation in Poland
  43. ^ 1794, December 1. Order of A. V. Suvorov to the Armed Forces on Relations with the Polish Population