Atkinson Aerodrome, Guyana's first airport, was named after Major Atkinson, the commander of the air-base facilities which the American government developed at this location during World War II. Atkinson Airport occupied 68 acres of Atkinson field, formerly Hyde Park, on the Demerara River.

During 1950 it was restructured for civil aviation purposes. Another more up-to-date terminal building was built and opened on 15 March 1952. When the new building was ravaged by fire on 5 August 1959 the old terminal building was renovated and used again until the destroyed building was replaced. After independence, Atkinson Airport became the Timehri International Airport.

Atkinson Field was leased to the United States of America by the United Kingdom in 1941. The lease was terminated on 26 May 1966 (Guyana's Independence Day). Because the lease was terminated 74 years before its due end, a new agreement was arrived at giving certain specified rights to the Americans in relation to the air base for the next 17 years.